Who are YOU?


Who are you beyond who you've been told you are, or who you should be?

Who are you beyond your job; a definer most use when asked who they are?

Who are you beyond what you're seen as by people who think they know you, and by what your current place is in your community?

Who are you outside of your geographical location that you tie yourself to?

Who are you beyond the things you own; your physical house; your possessions; the material manifestation that you've come to associate with yourself?

Who are you beyond your nationalistic pride, beyond your heritage and traditions assigned to you? Beyond the wounding passed down generation to generation?

Who are you when so many things you once believed about yourself, others, the world, the path you were meant to be on suddenly shift and fall apart, crushing the only false reality you've ever known?

When all of these layers are stripped away, do you even know who you're left with?

That's you. The real you. The you that no one or nothing can touch. The you that no one can take away.

The you whose voice you may have unintentionally or intentionally silenced, continuing the deed society started since you were born.

The you who is dying to come out, and whose core will stay true and comforting no matter what they do, who they are with, where they are, what they own, and if the realities around them shift.

I've always had a strong sense of self and character. But in the past one to two years, who I thought I was, what I thought I'd do, how I thought I'd live, what I thought I liked, the way I love, the lens that created my reality, and so much more were all stripped from me. Many layers completely ripped away, torn to ask me to evaluate how much of what I thought was me was actually me, and how much of that I was actually honouring and living as my true self in my life.

Now I know, strongly, loudly and clearly.

With that knowing and with strengthening and awakening the core me, comes a sense of direction, self empowerment, peace and self love stronger than I've ever felt, and that I know I will continue to explore, discover and strengthen further. Now on to you.

Stripping away everything you've ever known: Do you have a strong sense of self? Do you love who you ARE? Do you know what you stand for? What energetic impact it will leave on this world? Is that actually being lived in your life?

Who are YOU? πŸ’« ✨ 🧿


As above, so below


Do not wait for others to save you, or you will aid in your own downward spiral