Petra Mourany

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On gratitude.

I’ve said before that love is the most powerful force. Well, gratitude is its most powerful anchor!

It is so important for ourselves and for others to take time to be present with our gratitude; to show it, feel it, live it, express it, to thank the universe/our higher power/God/our spirits guides/ God (whatever speaks to you most) for it.

Gratitude is a mood swinger. Something I use it to help instantly shift my mindset and emotions for the day if they are too heavy.

Gratitude is an abundance magnet. When you regularly take the time to acknowledge, thank, feel and resonate with the things you are grateful for, you shift your frequency energetically to attract more good things to be grateful for in life. You open your heart for more love. You have more love for yourself and your life and those all present in it. And when you spread and express that gratitude, it always comes from a place of love, and you do your part in spreading that light a little more.

A little challenge for you all! Every morning after you wake up and every night before you sleep, list 3 things you are grateful for. 💕 One thing I am grateful for is the support from all of you. ❤️

Drop your thoughts, commentary, or things you’re grateful for below 👇🏻