Petra Mourany

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Dating Yourself!

On the importance of DATING YOURSELF!! 🥰 

Loving yourself is an important requirement to living life fully, having a healthy relationship, and giving love. I’ve talked about it before and will likely dive into it more later.

But, rarely do people talk about DATING yourself.

I believe, if possible, people should try and spend a good amount of time single, not actively dating.

One thing you should in that time (but ALSO you CAN and should do this every once in a while in a relationship as a reminder) is to actively date yourself!

Dating yourself has many amazing pros:

♥️ Shifts the power of life and experiences that you may have thought you need in a man or partner back to you

♥️ Helps you love yourself even more

♥️ When you see how well you are capable of treating, pampering and dating yourself (we all have different levels of what that means and that’s fine!), logically your bar for what you expect in a relationship will shoot higher to where it should be for you.

♥️ Makes you realize how much you can do or experience on your own ➡️ grows independence & self confidence

♥️ Reminds yourself that YOU can give this time of enjoyment to YOURSELF. So even if you had someone that had the gesture parts down, but was in some way or another toxic, you’re less likely to stay in realizing you don’t need them for that, and you would be happier on your own.

OK, SO what does this look like? 👇🏻

💐 Buy yourself flowers, do it! I tell every woman I work with that’s going through a break up with someone less than they deserved to do it!

👑 Buy yourself beautiful silk pajamas that you wear for YOU! Throw out your ugly ones! I have seen my “NO Ugly PJs or Ugly Loungewear Rule” (Trademark: Petra 😉 ) really make a difference in women’s lives.

🗣When you see yourself in the mirror, compliment yourself! DO IT, just try it! It sounds silly, but do it, even if it feels fake at first. Compliment yourself like you would a partner, or like you’d want your ideal partner to compliment you! Especially when you dress up 💅

🗣Even without a mirror, I even sometimes remind myself out loud of all the things I’ve accomplished. I try as best I can to speak to myself kindly and with love.

🍽 Wine and dine yourself. Spa day yourself. Pamper a friend freely, spoil them too! It doesn’t have to do with cost or money to start, it’s about gestures, effort and energy. Although, as you grow in your life and career, it is indeed liberating to see yourself build more security and spending ability! 

🤗 Date yourself, pamper yourself, be kind to yourself, love yourself in ACTION, GESTURES, EFFORTS, ENERGY & THOUGHT, so that you will logically realize so strongly that:

💖 You simply can NEVER settle for less, and that your life’s equal will at least bring the same to your life. If you can give yourself that, if you would give them that, then you’re not asking or expecting too much from someone else—as many below par would try to gaslight you into thinking.

💖 You can give yourself this, so you don’t need someone for it. So, you will not stay in a relationship just to feel dated.

Once upon a time, I took myself on my own tour of the Mediterranean 🌊 I sailed on a little yacht to Capri where I bought myself a beautiful set of pearls JUST BECAUSE—very romantic 💁🏻‍♀️ I booked myself a stunning suite in Santorini with breathtaking views—my biggest splurge and YOLO moment 🌅I took myself on a little shopping spree, I challenged myself in spending a little more than I was used to. I treated myself to all the wine and food tastings my heart desired. It was the first time ever that I myself experienced all these things on my own and gave them to myself.

I watched the most beautiful sunsets. Made some of my most cherished memories. My heart was filled with SO much gratitude, joy, wander, and love, I thought it would burst!

Something amazing dawned on me that I had forgotten while in that particular relationship: I really did NOT need a man for all these things.

So go ahead, start dating yourself. You will see where your minimum acceptance bar should be. You will see you’re not expecting too much. You will see you DON’T need anyone, so you will never be settling after that! 👏🏻 ♥️

➡️➡️ My dear ladies, if you feel connected to what I share and are sick and tired of accepting less than what you deserve, feeling low on self love, and high on self doubt, then get in contact to learn about my 1-1 coaching offerings, so that we can say ENOUGH and fill your life more will love 💕